Quality Assurance



MDSP identifies four main processes in its Quality Management practice. The first of these is Quality Planning, followed by Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Quality Acceptance.

Quality Planning focuses on defining quality for the deliverables and deciding on the best policies to achieve that quality, and what benchmark would be used to measure quality during the Execution, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing stages.

Quality Assurance that takes place during the Execution stage aims to prevent defects with a focus on the process used to make the product. It validates the consistent use of procedures and standards, and ensures that staffs have the correct knowledge, skills and attitudes to fulfill their project roles and responsibilities in a competent manner.

Next stage Quality Control takes place in the Monitoring and Controlling stage. It verifies that the deliverables conform to specification, are fit for purpose and meet stakeholder expectations. ICT Monitoring plays a major role by getting all the works being supervised in the real time. Successful completion of the above mentioned three stages brings us to the final stage which is Quality Acceptance. For the quality of the completed infrastructure to be acceptable to all stakeholders, it will be checked against the project requirements and specifications in the contract documents, and if defects are noted, the contractor will be advised to remedy them in an agreed time period and if found satisfying, the product quality will be accepted.

The quality control aspect of “Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project” funded by World Bank which is implemented by Local Government Engineering Department is extensively defined in the “BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF WORKS (ICB) VOLUME II of IV (PART 1 of 3)- Specifications for Building”.


MDSP QA Checklists and Guidelines and field level Submissions :

Please click above to review the Quality Related Checklists & Guildelines in the Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project in Bangladesh. In this folder field submissions that are reviewed and commented by Headquarter engineers are kept too.